Over the last couple weeks, I decided to clean off all the bits and scraps stuck with magnets to the side of my fridge. I found a multitude of recipes that I constantly use, and I decided to type them all onto one sheet of paper, so my fridge would look better. >> You can…
Preparing Grains Properly Really Is Easy!
In this video, Sarah (the “Healthy Home Economist”) shows us how easy preparing grains is! You can do this!
Soaked Whole Wheat Bread
Several people have written and asked for a good whole-wheat bread recipe. I try new recipes often, but this is the one I’ve been using lately. I like it because I can soak the flour overnight before baking, so that the phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors in the wheat are neutralized. (Click here to learn…
Cookies with Sprouted Flour (and other great things about sprouted wheat)
We’re getting ready to go on vacation, so I decided to make some yummy cookies to take with us on our trip. I thought I’d share about how I use sprouted flour to make cookies, since they can be a healthy, easy, and delicious snack. My personal favorite cookie is an “Oatmeal Raisin Cookie,” so…