“Anne, I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I can’t cook much because I am so exhausted and in a lot of pain. Do you have any simple meals that are easy to assemble, that I can make?” – Rebecca
Rebecca, thankfully I don’t have too many days like yours, but I’ve had enough to know that it’s very discouraging and very difficult to get feeling better when you can’t prepare good food.
Here are some simple ideas:
As soon as you wake up, eat a small amount of fruit to give you enough energy to prepare your “real” breakfast. Don’t eat much, because it’s also high in natural sugars. Half an orange, half a banana, some berries with whole cream…
Then, make an egg-based breakfast, such as 2 or 3 “easy-over” eggs, a simple omelette with salsa, or some simple poached eggs. Don’t worry about gourmet food; just get some protein in ya!
If a small cup of coffee helps, now is a good time for it.
Don’t eat well and get lots of energy, but then over-do and ruin your whole day! Pace yourself on housework and online. Lie flat for a short time each hour. Keep your day quiet!
Energy Smoothie
Once each day, mix up the following in a blender, then pour it into a quart-size jar. Sip 1/2 to 2/3 cup “mini-meals” all day long. Try not to go more than 2 hours without eating something nutritious, which is why this smoothie is so handy.
- 2-4 eggs (from organic, free-range chickens)
- 1/4 cup whole milk, plain yogurt
- 1/4 cup coconut milk (not “lite”)
- 1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla (optional) or a dash of ground nutmeg
- 1/2 cup fresh orange juice, 1/2 cup berries, or 1/2 banana
- Enough whole milk to make 1 quart of smoothie (about 2 cups)
A simple, easy lunch is some homemade soup, a hunk of raw cheese, and half a slice of Ezekiel bread (available in the freezer section of a health-food store) spread with good-quality butter and raw honey. (Click these links for recipes or possible sources.)
I make homemade chicken stock once each week or two, freezing it in 3/4-full glass mason jars. Keep some fresh zucchini, frozen green beans, and frozen chopped onions in the house. If your hands hurt too much to chop other veggies, just skip them!
First, be sure to keep drinking some Energy Smoothie throughout the afternoon, and don’t forget a short nap. Prepare your supper early enough, before you’re super hungry and exhausted, so that you’ll be able to eat it.
Here is one easy dinner, if you have enough energy to be in the kitchen for a few minutes:
- In a skillet, heat some good fat (such as butter or coconut oil). When your pan is quite hot (but your fat is not burnt), saute a few slices of onion, green pepper, fresh mushrooms, or other vegetables that you enjoy.
- When the vegetables are tender and smell great, add some meat. A chicken breast or a ground-beef patty are both easy. If you like spices, add them now.
- Turn the heat down and gently cook until the meat is ready to eat.
Even easier is this oven-dinner:
- In a small glass casserole dish, splash some olive oil. Add vegetables (frozen, or chopped fresh, if you’re able), such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, whatever you have on hand.
- Add chicken, fish, or beef stew meat, chopped into 1-inch cubes. (You can ask a butcher to chop it for you.)
- Add a few tablespoons of butter and seasonings, then cover with foil. Cook at 350 for about hour, stirring halfway through. (You can even small casserole dishes in a toaster oven.)
Consuming one or two enzyme pills with each meal will help you digest food easier and will help you conserve your energy. It’s especially important when you consume protein.
These simple recipes should get you through the worst of days, providing quite a bit of variety.
Do you have someone who can help with your shopping? Make out a list of foods you should always have in the house for weeks when you’re especially tired, then don’t be afraid to ask for help with the shopping.
I hope this helps! I hope you’ll be feeling better soon,
i am so excited to see ideas for someone with the same almost illnesses as I. I have Chronic Fatigue as well as Fybromyagia. On top of this i had a Brian injury and do to the radiation treatment i have constant changes in my brain as to how i function daily. I have severe balance issues and try desperately to still be that Proverbs Woman the Lord asks, but my body is just incapable i would like to try this and see if there are other ideas as i continue to study the fatigue lessons i have enjoyed from you.
(((hugs))) Please let me know if there are any specific topics that would help you out, okay?